After issuing Invoice, weight list, shipping order, we try to perform exiting transactions (export) daily under normal circumstances if we have those documents within working hours.
Transactions we undertake prosecuting and concluding in this

  • Making related transactions if the good to be sent abroad are subjected to Promotion, determining Customs tariff statistics position of them.
  • Making registrations to exporters unions regarding the goods to be sent to abroad. Taking authorizations within the frame of procedures and principles taking place in export regime and /or regulations.
  • Issuing and conforming the documents that are required to be
  • confirmed by consulate in its country, ATR-1, EUR-1, Certificate of Origin, and Special Origin Certificate.
  • Taking required documents for food export such as DTS inspection certificate, Inspection Certificate.
  • Making shipping order, bill of landing endorsement and deliver by your name to related transporter on behalf of your company.
  • After completing all documents, making customs transactions. After sending the goods to abroad, closing the related statement. Delivering exporter copy of closed Customs Declaratio Form to your company.
  • In accordance with export conditions as demanded of your company, giving or making delivery of issued documents to its related Bank, Transporter Company and Recipient Company.
  • Making other transactions that are required to complete export transaction and that are not specified above.


