By having documents for the goods to be imported from abroad, entrance/import transactions are started under normal circumstances. (In Normal Statements or Free Alongside Ship/On Vessel transactions). Transactions we undertake prosecuting and concluing ..
More ..All kind of consultancy and logistics services which are in the area of transit. Performing all transactions regarding the goods which are in the area of transit. In brief: Providing the documents regarding the goods. Determining GTIP (Customs Tariff Stati
More ..Practices for entering into free movement. Practices for export regime. Practices for transit regime. Practices for free zone. Practices for inward processing regime. Practices for outward processing regime. Practices for temporary export regime. Practices
More ..Prosecuting and supplying all kinds of Import transactions. Prosecuting and supplying all kinds of Export transactions. Prosecuting and supplying all kinds of Transfer transactions. Prosecuting and supplying all kinds of Transit transactions. Prosecuting
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